Study Design and Methodology

Sensis Research partnered with Welcome Research to conduct in-depth interviews and survey of Welcome Research’s SABEResPODER’s panel members. This panel is a mobile platform composed of Spanish speaking immigrants, designed to empower the lives of Hispanic immigrant communities in the United States.

4 In-Depth Interviews (IDI's)

  • ~ 45 minutes LOI
  • Spanish-interviews

506 Survey Respondents

  • ~ 15 minutes LOI
  • 99% of respondents completed the survey in Spanish

IDI Methodology

We began by interviewing 4 respondents, who had immigrated to the United States within the past 2 years, each arriving from a different country in Latin America. Interviews lasted approximately 45 minutes and were conducted in Spanish.

These interviews served as the foundation of this research project.

They allowed us to form real, personal connections, understanding their experiences moving and adjusting to the U.S., aspirations, concerns, and behaviors; all of which informed our survey questionnaire.

Pre-interview Tasks

Prior to our interviews, we also asked respondents to complete two supplementary tasks so we could better understand their lives and values.

Task 1:

In a short video, please show us 3-5 things in your home that are very important to you. What to include in the video...

  • Please show us the item
  • Tell us what it is
  • Tell us why it is important to you
  • And tell us where you keep it in your home

No need to record a long video! 2-4 minutes is great.

Task 2:

Please take a few screenshots on your phone throughout your day and send them to us. An example of this might be a screenshot while you check Facebook before bed. Other examples might include…

  • First thing in the morning
  • On your break at work
  • Before/during dinner
  • Last thing before bed

Survey Methodology

In early February of 2024, we conducted a survey with 506 respondents, completed with a median response time of 18:52. All respondents were members of Welcome Research’s SABEResPODER’s survey panel and were compensated as panel members.

99% of our respondents completed the survey in Spanish and the other 1% completed in English.

Though our sample skewed female (79%) and highly educated (37% had at least a college degree), we set quotas for arrival time to ensure we could adequately compare more recent immigrants to their older counterparts.

  • 50% immigrated to the United States within the past 2 years
  • 50% immigrated within the past 2 to 10 years

Results are not intended to provide population-level estimates of recent Hispanic immigrants as whole, but to make comparisons between these two segments and help identify any key trends or potential changes.